What is Ready Mix Concrete? A Complete FAQ

Man working with concrete

Are you considering ready mix concrete for your next construction project? You’re in the right place. As a building materials supplier with 90+ years of experience, we understand that you want to make the right decision when choosing products. In this article, we’ll dive into what ready mix concrete is, what it can be used for, and more.

What is Ready Mix concrete?

Ready mix concrete is a type of concrete that is manufactured in a factory or batching plant, according to a set recipe, and then delivered to a work site by truck-mounted transit mixers. This results in a precise mixture, allowing for specialty concrete mixtures to be developed and implemented on construction sites.

While the ready mix concrete supplier takes care of the mixing and delivery process, it’s important that you understand how much ready mix you’ll need for your project before placing an order. The last thing you want is to run out of concrete halfway through your pour!

What is the difference between ready mix and concrete?

Concrete is a mixture of water, cement, sand, and gravel. The main difference between ready mix and concrete is that ready mix is already mixed and ready to be used, while concrete is still in the process of being mixed.

Ready mix concrete eliminates the need for job site mixing, which can save time and money.

Another advantage of ready mix concrete is that it can be custom-made to suit your specific needs. For example, if you need a higher-strength concrete for your project, the supplier can add extra cement to the mixture.

What are the disadvantages of ready mix concrete?

On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of ready mix concrete is that it can be more expensive than traditional concrete because of the added convenience and customization.

Additionally, ready mix concrete has a shorter shelf life than traditional concrete, so it’s important to make sure you’re using it within the time frame specified by the supplier.

If you’re considering using ready mix concrete for your next construction project, be sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Ready mix concrete can be a great solution for many projects, but it’s not right for every situation. Call us today if you need a ready mix supplier or have questions.

What is the use of ready mix concrete?

Ready mix concrete is most commonly used on construction projects where time is of the essence. The faster turnaround time of ready mix concrete can be a major advantage on large-scale projects where every day counts.

Another common use for ready mix concrete is when traditional concrete won’t suffice. For example, if you need a higher-strength concrete for your project, the supplier can add extra cement to the mixture.

What is ready mix concrete made of?

Ready mix concrete is made of cement, water, sand, and gravel. The exact proportions of these ingredients will vary depending on the specific mixture being made. You can learn more here.

The cement acts as the glue that holds everything together, while the water helps to hydrate the cement and make it more pliable. The sand and gravel act as filler material and help to give the concrete its strength and structure.

How do you calculate ready mix concrete?

Calculating the amount of ready mix concrete you’ll need for your project is easy if you know the formula. Simply multiply the length, width, and height of your pour-in feet by the appropriate weight per cubic foot listed on our chart below. This will give you the total weight of the concrete you’ll need for your project.

Concrete Weight Chart

Length (ft) x Width (ft) x Height (ft) = Cubic ft

Cubic ft ÷ 27 = Weight Per Cubic Ft

Weight Per Cubic Ft x desired thickness (in inches) = Total weight needed (lbs.)

For example, if you’re pouring a slab that is 20 feet long, 15 feet wide, and four inches thick, you would need 20 x 15 x 0.33 = 100 cubic feet of concrete.

To calculate the weight, you would divide 100 by 27 to get a weight per cubic foot of concrete of just over three and a half pounds. Finally, you would multiply that number by four (the thickness in inches) to get a total weight of just over 14 pounds.

Keep in mind that this is only an estimate – the actual amount of concrete you’ll need may be different depending on your specific project. It’s always best to order a little extra just to be safe!

How much does ready mix concrete cost?

The cost of ready mix concrete will vary depending on your location and the supplier you use. However, expect to pay somewhere in the range of $75 to $110 per cubic yard.

Ready mix concrete is more expensive than traditional concrete, but it can be worth the added convenience and customization for some projects.

How do you mix ready mix concrete?

Ready mix concrete is delivered to your job site by a truck. The truck has a chute that the concrete can be poured through.

The driver will usually pour the concrete into the forms that have been set up for your project.

Once the concrete is in place, you will need to use a trowel or other tool to smooth it out and make sure it’s level.

After the concrete has had time to set, you can remove the forms and enjoy your new slab!

The bottom line on ready mix concrete

Ready mix concrete is a great choice for many construction projects. It’s easy to use, and it can be customized to meet your specific needs. However, it is more expensive than traditional concrete, so be sure to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Contact us today if you need a ready mix supplier or have questions.

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